A recent research published by Market Watch analyzed the green packaging sector and identified a rapidly growing global trend, according to which it will record an increase of 154 billion dollars by 2028, or + 60%, for a total turnover exceeding 413 billion.

About this, research still has to face difficult challenges, many of which concern the conservation food performance, the efficiently guaranteed by plastic packaging, not yet so much by the new green solutions, but the studies are well oriented to identify compounds useful for scope.

In the green packaging range solutions, recycled paper covers a large market share which alone contributes to the elimination of about 6.6 million tons of plastic per year.

The theme of recycling was also discussed in more detail at the center of the Economic Packaging Conference. The European Union, which for some time has encouraged policies on the circular economy, has introduced important innovations, setting the goal of 65% recycling of packaging waste by 2025 and 70% by 2030.

These new trends have strong positive repercussions on the entire paper industry chain, an example of which is the increase in exports of paper packaging machinery (read also: Sustainability: plastic-free drives sales of paper packaging machines).

Further evidence is given by the increase recorded in the last pandemic year compared to 2019, CEPI – Confederation European of Paper Industries – reports an increase in packaging production of 2.1%, in particular, + 3.3% in corrugated cardboard boxes production, a portion of which is destined for the food sector which increasingly requires pre-packaged and increasingly eco-sustainable food on the shelves.

The sector still has a long way to go: let’s take the Italian market, for example, here only 6.2% of the packaging on the shelves is fully recoverable, but the data are encouraging and prefigure double-digit growth.